Class TargetWithHeightResult

  • public class TargetWithHeightResult
    extends VisionResult
    Vision result which stores the height of the target found.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TargetWithHeightResult

        public TargetWithHeightResult​(VisionResult result,
                                      double height)
        result - base result to add to
        height - height of the target
      • TargetWithHeightResult

        public TargetWithHeightResult​(double xError,
                                      double yError,
                                      double xAbs,
                                      double yAbs,
                                      double height,
                                      boolean foundTarget)
        Construct a result with the given parameters
        xError - error on x-coordinate
        yError - error on y-coordinate
        xAbs - absolute x-coordinate
        yAbs - absolute y-coordinate
        height - height of the target
        foundTarget - whether a target was actually found
    • Method Detail

      • height

        public double height()
        height of the target