Class CartesianDriveParams

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void drive​( driveTrain, double currentGyro)
      Drive the robot.
      void drive​( driveTrain, double currentGyro)
      Drive the robot.
      double gyroAngle()
      get the gyro angle
      double xSpeed()
      get the speed on the x-axis
      double ySpeed()
      get the speed on the y-axis
      double zRotate()
      get the rotation from the z-axis
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • CartesianDriveParams

        public CartesianDriveParams​(double ySpeed,
                                    double xSpeed,
                                    double zRotate,
                                    double gyroAngle)
        Construct a new CartesianDriveParams.
        ySpeed - the speed to move in the y-axis
        xSpeed - the speed to move in the x-axis
        zRotate - the rotation to apply in the z-axis
        gyroAngle - the gyroAngle to use
    • Method Detail

      • ySpeed

        public double ySpeed()
        get the speed on the y-axis
        the y-axis speed
      • xSpeed

        public double xSpeed()
        get the speed on the x-axis
        the x-axis speed
      • zRotate

        public double zRotate()
        get the rotation from the z-axis
        the z-axis rotation
      • gyroAngle

        public double gyroAngle()
        get the gyro angle
        the gyro angle
      • drive

        public void drive​( driveTrain,
                          double currentGyro)
                   throws WrongDriveTypeException
        Drive the robot. This method should not call any "stateful" methods of the drivetrain (anything that starts with "set") to allow one to switch between modes easily. TODO: pass a wrapper of DifferentialDrive, which only allows certain methods TODO: remove currentGyro. This is pretty irrelevant, and can be obtained in other ways.
        Specified by:
        drive in interface DriveParameters
        driveTrain - A DifferentialDrive object representing the drivetrain of the robot.
        currentGyro - The current gyro heading, if a gyro exists. Nothing should use this right now, so just pass in 0.0 if you're not sure.
        WrongDriveTypeException - if an incompatible Drive type is used
      • drive

        public void drive​( driveTrain,
                          double currentGyro)
        Drive the robot. This method should not call any "stateful" methods of the drivetrain (anything that starts with "set") to allow one to switch between modes easily.
        Specified by:
        drive in interface DriveParameters
        driveTrain - A MecanumDrive object representing the drivetrain of the robot.
        currentGyro - The current gyro heading, if a gyro exists. Nothing should use this right now, so just pass in 0.0 if you're not sure.