Class ArcadeDriveParams

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ArcadeDriveParams
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DriveParameters
    A class which represents arcade drive. Arcade drive uses two values: move and rotate. Move determines forwards-and-backwards motion, while rotate determines rotational motion. This drive mode is useful for writing autonomous methods which attempt to track a target, or hold a gyro angle. It can also be used to drive directly from the joystick. This class simply wraps DifferentialDrive.arcadeDrive(double, double, boolean). This class is immutable. That means you must construct a new instance each time you want to change the power to the drivetrain.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void drive​( driveTrain, double currentGyro)
      Drive the robot.
      void drive​( driveTrain, double currentGyro)
      Drive the robot.
      double move()
      Get the move parameter
      double rotate()
      Get the rotate parameter
      boolean squareInputs()
      Get the squareInputs parameter
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArcadeDriveParams

        public ArcadeDriveParams​(double move,
                                 double rotate,
                                 boolean squareInputs)
        Construct a new ArcadeDriveParams.
        move - The amount to move forwards or backwards
        rotate - The amount to rotate
        squareInputs - Whether to square the inputs. This is desirable if the input is coming from a joystick, as it creates a "soft deadzone". If coming from another source, like a PID controller, this should be false.
    • Method Detail

      • drive

        public void drive​( driveTrain,
                          double currentGyro)
        Drive the robot. This method should not call any "stateful" methods of the drivetrain (anything that starts with "set") to allow one to switch between modes easily. TODO: pass a wrapper of DifferentialDrive, which only allows certain methods TODO: remove currentGyro. This is pretty irrelevant, and can be obtained in other ways.
        Specified by:
        drive in interface DriveParameters
        driveTrain - A DifferentialDrive object representing the drivetrain of the robot.
        currentGyro - The current gyro heading, if a gyro exists. Nothing should use this right now, so just pass in 0.0 if you're not sure.
      • drive

        public void drive​( driveTrain,
                          double currentGyro)
                   throws WrongDriveTypeException
        Drive the robot. This method should not call any "stateful" methods of the drivetrain (anything that starts with "set") to allow one to switch between modes easily.
        Specified by:
        drive in interface DriveParameters
        driveTrain - A MecanumDrive object representing the drivetrain of the robot.
        currentGyro - The current gyro heading, if a gyro exists. Nothing should use this right now, so just pass in 0.0 if you're not sure.
        WrongDriveTypeException - if an incompatible Drive type is used
      • move

        public double move()
        Get the move parameter
        the move parameter
      • rotate

        public double rotate()
        Get the rotate parameter
        the rotate parameter
      • squareInputs

        public boolean squareInputs()
        Get the squareInputs parameter
        the squareInputs parameter