Interface VisionGUIPipeline

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CrosshairsPipeline, FindTargetsPipeline, HeightIndicatorPipeline

    public interface VisionGUIPipeline
    A pipeline which has separate methods for processing an input image and writing its overlays to an output image. This allows multiple pipelines to read from the same camera image, and composite all their outputs at the end.
    • Method Detail

      • process

        void process​(org.opencv.core.Mat mat)
        Read an input image. This method should extract any useful information from the input mat, and update any shared variables that the robot thread may access. It should NOT modify the image. Instead, save any information you want to print, and use it in the next call to writeOutput.
        Specified by:
        process in interface
        mat - image to process
      • writeOutput

        void writeOutput​(org.opencv.core.Mat mat)
        Draw indicators onto the output image.
        mat - image to write the indicators on